The Mayo Clinic Diet Vegetarian meal plan is a 6-week meal plan that delivers hunger-busting protein from beans, soy, eggs, and dairy.
Quick and easy recipes
A diverse mix of plant proteins to keep you feeling full
Emphasis on whole foods like fruits, vegetables, legumes, nuts, and whole grains
Delivers important vitamins and minerals
Includes iron, calcium, and vitamin B12-rich foods
Plenty of meal prep tips
Weekly grocery lists
Want a taste of the recipes in the Mayo Clinic Diet's Vegetarian meal plan? Submit your name and email address to get instant access to a sample menu!
Vegetarian diets come with several health benefits including reducing the risk of heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and certain cancers. Instead of building meals that focus on meat first, the Vegetarian meal plan provides colorful and satisfying meals that center around vegetables and fruits.
Yes, you don’t need to eat large amounts of protein to meet your daily needs. You can also get sufficient protein by eating a variety of plant-based foods such as beans, lentils, and soy products. The meal plan also includes eggs and low-fat dairy products, which also deliver protein.
Yes, all of our meal plans are meant to be sustained in any lifestyle at any budget.
No, the Mayo Clinic Diet is about making sure you’re getting enough of the foods that are right for you. We are not focused on calorie counting.
Yes, all of the Mayo Clinic Diet meal plans come with a weekly grocery list that you can customize to cater for your family and needs.
If you don’t like or can’t eat a particular meal, you have the ability to swap meals to suit your personal needs. The Mayo Clinic Diet also has three gluten-free meal plan options to choose from.
Along with the Vegetarian meal plan, the Mayo Clinic Diet offers six different meal plan options to choose from including the Original Mayo Clinic Diet, Simple, Mediterranean, Higher Protein, and Healthy Keto. We also offer three gluten-free meal plans. So you can find the eating style that suits your lifestyle and preferences.